Bedford Court – Rock Ferry
Year: 2012
Duration: 48 weeks
Value: £847,000
Project Introduction
The project was a full refurbishment and conversion from studio apartments to forty four, one bedroom accommodation. Each phase involved between ten and twelve conversions while all other accommodation was in use.
The contract was won by negotiation due to working out the best method of executing the phases and from experience gained from working on Willow Court another Alpha project. Kevin Musselle the contracts manager said. “It was was plain to see we had an access problem. To solve this we put scaffold around each phase and creates a set of double doors through an existing window. This saved us having to go through the main building with materials and labour, giving a safer environment for the residents”.
Alpha was so happy with our performance they give us another project called Rocklands, consisting of six £150k phases approx. £900k.
Reducing Public Disturbance
The contract was completed eleven weeks ahead of planned schedule due to the phasing and planning of the works. All contractor vehicles were parked away from the site and all material deliveries were planned ahead. These combined approaches reduced construction impact of the local community.
Occupational Health and Safety
The project was run using the Considerate Construction Scheme. The project was audited several times during the works and the final results at the end of the project were ……
Local Construction Employment
Approximately 12 workers were on the site during the height of construction. All the work force lived within a 5 mile radius of the site.
Efficiency Savings
Approximately £180,000 of variations was issued during the works to replace all external windows and other additions. This was planned into the project so no addition time was used and the project was still completed eleven weeks early. This represented good value to Alfa as no costs were added for preliminary works.
Regional Material Suppliers
All materials were manufactured within the UK. Regional materials were preferred in order to support local economies and minimise the environmental impacts due to transportation.
Waste Management Plan
The waste management plan was created using a smart waste plan, this is an online database where the site manager completes each week. On competition of the project all environmental data is collated and retained for reporting.
The total waste generated on the project was 371m3 that evaluated to 83.1 tonnes. This was 4.2 tonnes per 100m2 of floor space and 9.8 tonnes per £100,000 of cost.
The greatest waste was in timber 113 m3 and masonry 90 m3.
All waste removed from the site was sorted and either recycled back into the scheme, taken to another scheme or taken to the local waste transfer depot. The contractor used for waste management was Alchem a trusted contractor.