18 Oct

Tate & Lyle Modular Building Installation




Year:              2009                                                          

Duration:      5 weeks

Value:            £30,000


Project Introduction

Lyjon were employed as a preferred term contactor at Tate & Lyle’s major commercial operating plant. The focus of this particular contract was the groundwork’s and preparation of an area of the plant for the installation of a modular building thereafter. The purpose of the modular building was to serve as a site office for use by the administration staff team.

Specifically, the works encompassed:

  • The preparation and construction of concrete bases upon which the modular building was to be mobilised and fixed down
  •  The arrangement and preparation of all associated services (including water, electricity and the necessary plumbing for toilet facilities) ready for connection post-delivery of the building
  • The scheduled delivery, receipt and installation of the modular building to strict Health & Safety working procedures and protocol
  • The construction of ramps for disabled access to and from the building and the provision and installation of disabled aids such as handrails
  • The stable securing of the modular building onto the concrete bases and connection of all water and electric services
  • The making good of all external areas thereafter, ready for occupation

The preparation of the concrete bases took place in a controlled and restricted area duly segregated from the daily operation and movement of this industrial site. In the first instance, this was arranged in close consultation with the representatives from Tate & Lyle tasked with overseeing the project. Safety was of paramount concern as the surrounding areas of the building site would need to remain in full operation during the works period. Safety hoardings, barriers and signage were therefore provided and constructed as appropriate. The Contracts Manager prepared a Health & Safety Plan which detailed the precise nature of the works and how they were to be carried out.

Reducing Public Disturbance

Access to the site location was provided across the existing plant site using shared access with the employees and visitors. To this end, the Contracts Manager put in place restrictions by way of a Traffic Management Plan to reduce congestion at particularly busy times of the day on the industrial estate (for example the morning and afternoon rush hour periods and employees’ lunch breaks). During these times, no deliveries were to be arranged or accepted and access was also to be avoided by Lyjon employees and sub-contractors. All suppliers and drivers tasked with arranging the delivery of materials and equipment were duly advised of these restrictions.

Occupational Health and Safety

The operation was carried out in strict accordance with Lyjon’s Health & Safety Policy and Quality Management Procedures. As such, a comprehensive assessment of the risk involved with the works was carried out at survey stage and the development of method statements for procedure compiled thereafter. These key documents took into consideration and assessed major aspects of the works such as access restrictions, the surrounding population and necessary works procedures. All effective risk assessments and method statements were inducted and briefed to all associated parties involved in the construction phase (operatives and sub-contractors) prior to the works commencing.

A key safety concern which required a high degree of logistical planning was the use of a crane to mobilise the modular office building into place. The delivery of the crane was a controlled procedure overseen by the Site Manager and nominated banksman in close consultation with the crane hire company and their own specialist trained operatives. Lyjon’s own safety representative was also involved in overseeing the arrangements and operational procedure of this activity.

Environmental Responsible Suppliers

Prior to delivery, all nearby construction and Tate & Lyle operational staff were forewarned of the procedure and certain areas and access routes cleared and cordoned off for this purpose. Operatives undertook bespoke toolbox talks in addition to their standard site induction so as to become fully aware of the protocol and procedures for works of this nature.

The location of the site on an industrial estate and away from any residential areas removed the need for consideration of disruption in this area. The neighbouring businesses however, were forewarned of the forthcoming delivery of the crane and modular building which would be transported via road as oversized vehicles and duly escorted.

Once the modular office building was correctly in situ and secured, the Lyjon team were able to connect up all the necessary services for water and electric and transform the building into a properly functioning office facility. This was completed with the making good of the external area surrounding the building.

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